
Oh Jessica, Why do you doubt me?

Do you remember when I told you 7 things about myself?

Well, I said this:

 My sister commented and said this:

Challenge Accepted.

 There is your proof Jessica!

-This video contains music. Beware (aka, mute your computer if you're slacking off at work)
-This video is literally me standing on my head. The entire time. Do not expect anything interesting. I would have gone longer but let's be honest. I didn't have 7 days for this video to upload.
-There is something suuuuper unflattering about standing on your head after yoga in yoga shorts. But I love embarrassing myself soooo ENJOY


  1. I am so impressed. For real!!! And you're even moving your legs, too! You must have a crazy core. I give you big props.

  2. I teach gymnastics..Head stands are so hard for girls to get - they may be a little slow BUT they are fun to hold once your head goes numb from all the blood lol.

  3. haha this is insane! i used to be able to do that but only up against a wall. you have talent! xx

  4. BAM, take that Jessica! ;) Dang I am going to have to try this whole yoga thing every one seems to talk about, I want to have a freakish talent too

  5. Gotta love winning a challenge. Impressive.

  6. OH MY GOD, is this the version with Britney in it!? I love you. Freakin' love you.

    Twitter @theloudermouth

  7. Bahahaha! This was amazing, and you are hilarious.

  8. Hahahaha Melissa. You are the funniest fashion blogger I've ever read. Love that you never take yourself too seriously! Hope you have a great 10 day vacation, and stop by my blog if you get a chance to enter a Mimi & Marge giveaway- they just released a pretty line of scarves perfect for spring and summer :)

    Have a lovely day!

  9. HAHAHAHA I check your blog for the first time in a week and I'm greeted to THIS!? Oh Melissa...you really are my favourite sister. ;) I am happy to be proved wrong!!

  10. hahaha this is amazing. I can't even do a handstand. At all. So I'm in absolute awe.

  11. I'm not entirely sure how good it is for you to have all that blood rush to your head... but that is incredible talent nonetheless!! haha

  12. This is why I love your blog ; ) ha ha IMPRESSIVE!

  13. haha that is awesome! My mom can do a head stand, but I can't. Some people in my yoga class can too.

  14. This is fantastic!! And really lovely blog!

    x, Jesa

  15. so i watched all 2 minutes and 49 seconds.... holy moly, thats awesome!

  16. Hahaha this is freaking awesome! I have no idea how you do it, aaaaand I think you need to join a circus, asap. I would pay to watch that... maybe not much, but still.

    Also love the tags in your photos (from previous post), that's such a cool idea! Even more ways to stalk you (i kid, I kid) xx


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